Field Trips
Who says homeschooling has to happen at home? Most homeschoolers will tell you that they spend almost as much time out of the house as in it. Field trips are learning opportunties that offer fun ways to make every life experience a learning experience. You'll also find tips and strategies for planning, managing, and attending field trips with your homeschool support group.
Field Trips: Bug Hunting, Animal Tracking, Bird-watching, Shore Walking

With Jim Arnosky as your guide, an ordinary hike becomes an eye-opening experience. He'll help you spot a hawk soaring far overhead and note the details of a dragonfly up close. Study the black-and-white drawings -- based on his own field research -- and you'll discover if those tracks in the brush were made by a deer or a fox.

In his celebrated style, this author, artist, and naturalist enthusiastically shares a wealth of tips. Jim Arnosky wants you to enjoy watching wildlife. He carefully explains how field marks, shapes, and location give clues for identifying certain plants and animals wherever you are. He gives hints for sharpening observational skills. And he encourages you to draw and record birds, insects, shells, animal tracks, and other finds from a busy day's watch.

Community Field Trips in Kansas
Colorado Homeschool Field Trips and General Outings

This is an all inclusive group for homeschoolers of all ages to organize outings. We all homeschool for different reasons. We may be part of other various groups/co-ops. Since we often travel for trips to places like the zoo, and some of us may be from more rural areas, this is a chance to make friends, network, and take advantage of group discounts.

Homeschooling Littles in Colorado

This group is for people planning to or homeschooling their littles and older. Their goal is to grow together as a group forming friendships and camaraderie along the way. Almost all events planned are geared towards preschool to elementary aged kids. However, this doesn't bar you from bringing your older children. They are welcome to join in all the events.

CiCi's Pizza Field Trips
CiCi's Pizza offers Lunch & Learn Field Trips for school groups. This is a hands-on workshop at CiCi's designed by teachers to help kids develop basic math skills. Students use pizza ingredients and other related items to solve problems, and in the process make and enjoy their very own pizza! They offer beginner, intermediate and advanced math level curricula.
Zoos & Wildlife
Hutchinson Zoo
The Hutchinson Zoo serves as a quality recreational, educational and animal rehabilitation facility to provide an atmosphere where nature's gifts, both plant and animal can be appreciated. Features special exhibits and educational programs.
Sedgwick County Zoo
Located in Wichita, the Sedgwick County Zoo offers numerous animal exhibits, educational programs, and special events.
Lee Richardson Zoo
The Lee Richardson Zoo is located within the 110 acre Finnup Park. The population of animals hails from far away places such as China, Japan, Australia, Africa, and South America to name a few. Approximately 300 animals representing nearly 100 different species inhabit the 47 acre zoo. A professional staff cares for animals ranging from the tiny Pekin Robin to the immense African Elephant.
Rolling Hills Zoo
Located in Salina, Rolling Hills Zoo is located on 145 acres of pristine Kansas prairie. Sixty of these acres have been transformed into a beautifully landscaped park setting and are open to the public. The Zoo is home to more than 80 species of animals, housed in spacious, naturalistic habitat settings. Zoo residents include many animals that are rare or endangered in the wild, including chimpanzees, leopards, orangutans, white tigers, and two species of rhinos. Guests enjoy the Zoo on their own to be sure that each visitor can explore at a comfortable pace. The paved walking path is approximately 1.5 miles long, or there is a narrated tram that guests can ride for an extraordinary view of the zoo and its many inhabitants.
Topeka Zoo
Learn whild visiting animals at the Topeka Zoo. Filled with animal exhibits, the Zoo also offers educational programs and special events.
Emporia Zoo
Naturalized exhibits with a blend of native and exotic birds and animals presented in an area noted for extensive landscaping and horticultural features.
Sunset Zoological Park
Nestled within 52 acres in the heart of the Flint Hills in Manhattan, Sunset Zoo is home to more than 397 animals representing 84 species, including chimpanzees, red pandas, Siberian tigers, snow leopards and maned wolves. Sunset Zoo is open 360 days each year and hosts 13 special events throughout the year.
Field Trip Tips & Guidelines
10 Tips for Finding and Planning Homeschool Field Trips
While it may be easy to understand the value in visiting the aquarium, history museums and other great field trips, a good field trip can provide much more than interesting facts and new discoveries. Field trips don’t have to be complicated or expensive in order to be effective. These ten tips will help make your planning go smoothly.
A Field Trip Should Not Be a Free-For-All
A reminder of the importance of teaching children respect and proper behavior when out enjoying field trips.
Homeschooling Field Trips :: Planning an Adventure
Field trips make learning fun for you and your kids, and they give everyone a break from the routine of books, pencils and computers. Field trips are a wonderful way to instill the value of lifelong learning in your children, as you both experience and discover new places together. Sometimes getting out of the house for a day gives you a little inspiration, or a spark of curiosity, reaffirming just why you chose to homeschool in the first place. These ideas will help you make the most of your field trips.
Planning Homeschool Field Trips: 10 Things To Do Before You Go
Children enjoy field trips because they’re able to explore new destinations. Parents enjoy field trips because they offer children hands-on learning and specialized information. Farms, museums, gardens, landmarks, industrial centers, battlegrounds, and businesses are great field trip destinations. Educational opportunities at these sites are plentiful, so homeschool parents will want to venture out so their children can glean valuable information. However, in order to experience a worthwhile field trip, some advanced planning is necessary. Here are ten things to do before you go on a homeschool field trip.
Field Trips in a Large Family
There are lots of things to love about a large family, but being agile and moving about quickly isn’t really one of them. Learning in action and experiencing something first hand is one of the best things about homeschooling. It’s often what really sets apart our education from that of a traditional brick and mortar school. It is worth it to make the effort for field trips, though it doesn’t necessarily make them any easier!
Field Trips 101
Field trips can inspire your child to study a topic, give him further insights into his current studies, or provide closure to a completed unit. Is there somewhere you’d like to take your children to reinforce a topic this year? Or just want to visit because it would enrich their lives? If you let your support group (or even just a few other families) know that you are planning to go and they are welcome to tag along (think: group rate)—voila! You’re planning a field trip!
The Ideal Homeschool Field Trip
Guidelines for planning a great outing with your homeschooling kids. This post is written by an experienced homeschooler who loves to get out and about to learn in a variety of ways.
The Ultimate Guide to Field Trips for Homeschoolers
Field trips don’t have to be elaborate or cost of ton of money to be both fun and educational. Some of the best “field trips” are a nature walk and park lunch with friends. Especially when your children are young, keep them simple. Nature walks, zoos, and local places like the bakery, pizzeria, greenhouse, post office, police station, fire station, coffee shop, you name it you can tour it!
Field Trip Guidelines for Homeschool Groups
This letter can be used to establish an understanding about homeschool groups when you organize a field trip.
10 Rules for Taking Field Trips
At the beginning of each school year, it would be a good time to have a field trip manners lesson with your support group. Parents and children alike sometimes need to think about what it’s like to be a docent or tour leader. Perhaps your group would even like to consider creating some field trip rules. The rules in this article are ten examples.
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Idea Book For Cuisenaire Rods At The Intermediate Level
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