Want to learn more about homeschooling? Need a monthly or weekly boost of enthusiasm and ideas? You may be interested in a subscription of a homeschool publication. Whether you are looking for a hard copy magazine or an e-newsletter, we've got the best listed here.
Magazines & Newsletters
Browse through our listing of local and state magazines and newsletters, as well as some national publications.
E-newsletters are a great way to get homeschooling information, ideas, and support.
What's Popular
HS-4-LessNewsletter: The Best of Homeschooling On A Budget
This newsletter aims to help you provide your children with a high quality homeschooling education at the lowest possible cost.
Secular Homeschooling Magazine
Secular Homeschooling is a non-religious quarterly magazine that reflects the diversity of the homeschooling community. Its readers and writers are committed to the idea that religious belief is a personal matter rather than a prerequisite of homeschooling. This magazine is for any homeschooler, religious or not, who is interested in good solid writing about homeschooling and homeschoolers.
A+ Homeschooling
This email group benefits all types of homeschoolers, but especially Charlotte Mason, Ruth Beechick, eclectic, relaxed homeschoolers, notebookers, etc. As a member of this group you'll receive a bi-monthly newsletter of tips for nature notebooks, encouragement, living book reviews and experiences. This is not a discussion list, but a newsletter.
Homeschooling Horizons
At Homeschooling Horizons Magazine, their goal is very simple: to provide you with the encouragement and tips needed to provide your child with a superior education. Whether you are new to home education or a veteran of many years, Homeschooling Horizons Magazine has what you need. If you are using a traditional curriculum or unschooling your child, the articles, tips, activities and stories are sure to have you nodding in agreement and learning from their varied columnists.
The Home School Researcher
This quarterly, refereed, scholarly journal presents basic research on home- and family-based education in areas such as socialization, academic achievement, history, and law. This unique periodical keeps home educators, researchers, and others abreast of the most current factual and theoretical research information available on home education.
The Teaching Home
A Christian magazine for home educators, The Teaching Home magazine was founded in 1980 and provides information, inspiration, and support to homeschooling families and Christian homeschool state and national organizations.
Practical Homeschooling Magazine
Practical Homeschooling magazine offers a Christian perspective and includes product reviews, columns written by national known experts, homeschooling success stories, contests, and more.
Eclectichomeschool E-Newsletter
This email newsletter is published by The Eclectic Homeschool Online to provide updates on the latest articles, resources, and suppport group information added to their website.
Learners Online Magazine
Learners Online helps teachers and home educators make the Net an accessible, useful educational tool. Each monthly issue gives you the knowledge and tools you need to integrate online content with traditional home and classroom learning, over 40 pages of great educational resources, activities, and lesson plans each month.
Homeschooling newspaper with lots of articles. Read online or get the printed newpaper sent to your home free.
Home School Enrichment
Home School Enrichment Magazine is dedicated to providing practical help and uplifting encouragement to the homeschool community from a distinctively Christian perspective. From unit studies and craft projects, to cooking and organizing, Home School Enrichment Magazine is filled with information you can use.
Montessori International
Montessori International is the magazine for all parents and teachers. Montessori International magazine is a high quality colour education magazine with a Montessori focus and a truly child-centred approach. The magazine is for Montessori parents, nursery owners, teachers, and students with an interest in Montessori education.
Home School Books & Business Association
Published by HSB&BA, the Home School Books & Business Association. This trade journal is designed to connect publishers of quality home school prodcuts to the retail market and promote the success of businesses serving the home school community.
Home Educator's Family Times
Published six times a year by Home Educator, this publication offers research on education and homeschool issues, successful homeschool strategies, practical teaching tips, and more.
Tomorrow's Child: The Magazine for Montessori Parents
Tomorrow's Child magazine offers insights and information that helps parents to feel confident that Montessori will prepare their children for the real world. It will help you understand and appreciate Montessori and apply it in your home.
Featured Resources
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Visual Brainstorms
Children who love word games, logic puzzles, secret codes, mazes, and math mysteries will stretch their mental muscles with Visual Brain Storms. This set of 100 cards, each of which includes a humorous, full-color drawing, promises "the world's best ...
Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World: Unlocking the Potential of Your ADD Child
Understanding your child's learning style can help with challenges in learning, improving outcomes in reading, writing, and behavior. This book offers strategies for understanding your child's learning style and presents tools that you can use to bec...
Homeschooling 101: A Guide to Getting Started
Homeschooling 101 gives you the steps to help you get started on your homeschool journey. This guide lays out how to get started, choose and gather curriculum, scheduling, organizing your home, and finding the joy in homeschooling. This book is perfe...
A Reason For® Handwriting
A Reason For® Handwriting provides a fun, meaningful approach to developing effective handwriting skills. Each lesson is built around a Scripture verse chosen not only for proper letter combinations, but also inspirational content. “Border Sheets” en...
Unclutter Your Home: 7 Simple Steps, 700 Tips & Ideas (Simplicity Series)
Hundreds of practical ideas for sorting, evaluating, and getting rid of all those material items that get in the way of a simplified lifestyle.