How to Begin
What's Popular
Homeschool-Where Do I Begin
Know Your Students: Identify Their Personal Learning Styles
How to Withdraw Your Child from School in Colorado
Some Practical Advice for New Homeschoolers
How to Begin Homeschooling
Getting Started in Homeschooling: The First Ten Steps
Homeschooling For Dummies
How to Homeschool in Colorado
How Can You Begin Homeschooling? Start!
Dear New Homeschooler
CHEC Homeschool Guidebook for Colorado
The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child: Your Complete Guide to Getting Off to the Right Start
Homeschooling Essentials: A Practical Guide to Getting Started
Taking Charge of Your Child's Education: A Guide to Becoming the Primary Influence in Your Child's Life
The Path to Success
How to Begin Homeschooling in Kansas
Some Practical Advice for New Homeschoolers
The Path to Success
Know Your Students: Identify Their Personal Learning Styles
How to Begin Homeschooling
Dear New Homeschooler
Homeschooling Essentials: A Practical Guide to Getting Started
If you're ready to begin homeschooling, then the experiences of others can offer valuable help and encouragement as you jump into this new adventure. This practical guide answers common questions, helps you navigate the legalities of homeschooling, talks about the practical side of homeschooling and different methods, offers resources and gives advice about high school.
CHEC Homeschool Guidebook for Colorado
Need a map for your homeschooling journey in Colorado? This classic go-to compendium used by countless families in Colorado is now completely updated and streamlined for you. The CHEC Homeschool Guidebook will give you tons of practical information, worksheets, resource lists, scriptural encouragement, and more – just what you need to homeschool in Colorado with confidence.
Homeschooling For Dummies
This comprehensive guide gets you off to a great start. From helpful advice on how to decide if homeschooling is right for you, to how to get started, to complying with all legal requirements, you'll find what you need at the beginning of your homeschooling. Also included are teaching tips, advice on networking, testing, curriculum, and more.
The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child: Your Complete Guide to Getting Off to the Right Start
An increasing number of parents are turning to homeschooling. This guide helps those parents to determine what are the best first steps to take, how to define your educational philosophy, and the best approach for your children. Included is a discussion of how to choose curriculum, assess progress, and stay within the legalities of your state.
Getting Started in Homeschooling: The First Ten Steps
Homeschool-Where Do I Begin
How to Withdraw Your Child from School in Colorado
If you want to start homeschooling during the school year and your child is currently enrolled in a public or private school, you may formally withdraw your child from that school. If you are going to start homeschooling after the school year is over, and your child is considered enrolled for the following year, we recommend that you withdraw your child before the next school year begins, so that the school does not mark your child as absent or truant.
How to Homeschool in Colorado
This how to begin homeschooling guide is presented by CHEC, Christian Home Educators of Colorado. It details the basics, with the first steps for you to take and lots of great information to get started homeschooling in Colorado.
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